

2019-06-15 todaylg小结

Post Processing Effect指的是后期处理效果,这些效果的实现是基于已经渲染的场景之上的,即通过将场景以纹理形式渲染到一个覆盖全屏的四边形上,再对纹理图形进行处理:

// 一个覆盖全屏的大三角形,保持屏幕内的UV坐标映射仍为0 => 1,画图即可知。
// 此法性能优于使用四边形。(From RTR4)
this.geometry = new Geometry(gl, {

    position: { size: 3, data: new Float32Array([-1, -1, 0, 3, -1, 0, -1, 3, 0]) },

    uv: { size: 2, data: new Float32Array([0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2]) },




  • 创建及绑定Framebuffer

  • 创建附件(Texture/Renderbuffer Object)并附加缓冲(Color/Depth/Stencil)


  • 根据各个处理效果的Shader(即Program)实例化相应Mesh实体

  • Ping-Pong Pass渲染队列

Ping-Pong Pass的后处理队列指的是上一处理效果的输出为下一处理效果的输入(使用两个FrameBufferObject交替作为input和output的target实现),适用于多个后处理效果的叠加:

//Post drawCall
    // 首先正常渲染场景{

        scene, camera, update, sort, frustumCull,
        target: enabledPasses.length ? this.fbos[this.currentFBO] : target,

    if(!enabledPasses.length) return;
    // Ping-Pong Pass
    enabledPasses.forEach((pass, i) => {
        // 最后一次Render (i == enabledPasses.length - 1) render回到target(默认即回到main FrameBuffer){

            scene: pass.mesh, clear: false,

            target: i === enabledPasses.length - 1 ? target : this.fbos[1 - this.currentFBO]


        // 替换输入输出target
        this.currentFBO = 1 - this.currentFBO;


Post Processing Effect


  • Gaussian Blur

  • FXAA

  • Glitch

  • CrossFade

  • Bloom

  • ToneMapping

  • Vignette

  • LensFlare

  • reProjection

  • Depth of Field(DOF)

  • Motion Blur



Gaussian Blur



具体实现的话可以直接使用已有轮子 , 其Shader根据blur的模糊像素(双向时=>5/9/13)将权重具体数值化来提升运行效率:

vec4 blur5(sampler2D image, vec2 uv, vec2 resolution, vec2 direction) {
  vec4 color = vec4(0.0);
  vec2 off1 = vec2(1.3333333333333333) * direction;
  color += texture(image, uv) * 0.29411764705882354;
  color += texture(image, uv + (off1 / resolution)) * 0.35294117647058826;
  color += texture(image, uv - (off1 / resolution)) * 0.35294117647058826;
  return color;


const post = new Post(gl);
let w = gl.canvas.width;

let h = gl.canvas.height;
// Y轴

    fragment: blurPassShader,

    uniforms: {

    resolution: { value: new Vec2(w, h) },

        direction: { value: new Vec2(0, 1) }


// X轴

    fragment: blurPassShader,

    uniforms: {

        resolution: { value: new Vec2(w, h) },

        direction: { value: new Vec2(1, 0) }









vec4 fxaa(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv, vec2 resolution) {


void main() {
    FragColor = fxaa(tMap, vUv, resolution);





  • 场景渲染 => 亮部提取 => 模糊处理 => 结果(FrameBufferObejct)

  • 场景渲染(FrameBufferObejct)

  • 原场景与结果融合

可以看到同样是场景渲染这个步骤,但是我们分别渲染到了两个不同的帧缓冲,这里可以使用MRT(Multiple Render Targets,多渲染目标)进行优化:只需创建一个帧缓冲对象,经过Shader渲染到多个颜色缓冲中:

//WebGL 1.0
#extension GL_EXT_draw_buffers : require 
precision highp float;

void main(void) {
    gl_FragData[0] = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);//gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT00

    gl_FragData[1] = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);//gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT01
    gl_FragData[2] = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);//gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT02




// uniforms: {
//    luminosityThreshold: { value: 0.8 },
//    smoothWidth: { value: 0.01 },
//    defaultOpacity: { value : 0 },
//    defaultColor: { value : new Color(0,0,0) }
// }
void main() {
    vec4 texel = texture( tMap, vUv );
    vec3 luma = vec3( 0.299, 0.587, 0.114 );//Luma值表示为介于0.0和1.0之间的灰度级(公式L = 0.299 * R + 0.587 * G + 0.114 * B)
    float v = dot(, luma );
    vec4 outputColor = vec4( defaultColor.rgb, defaultOpacity );
    float alpha = smoothstep( luminosityThreshold, luminosityThreshold + smoothWidth, v );//if v ≤ luminosityThreshold and 1.0 if v ≥ luminosityThreshold + smoothWidth

    FragColor =  mix( outputColor, texel, alpha );//x⋅(1−a)+y⋅a => y⋅a




let w = gl.canvas.width * renderer.dpr;
let h = gl.canvas.height * renderer.dpr;

let tw = w;

let th = h;

let blurPasses = [];

const levels = 5;//重复5次双向高斯模糊

for(let i = 0;i < levels; i++){

    tw = Math.round(tw/2);

    th = Math.round(th/2);

    const blurPass = new Post(gl);


    fragment: blurPassShader,

    uniforms: {

        tMap: { value: thresholdPassTarget },

        resolution: { value: new Vec2(tw, th) },

            direction: { value: new Vec2(0, 1) }




    fragment: blurPassShader,

       uniforms: {

           resolution: { value: new Vec2(tw, th) },

           direction: { value: new Vec2(1, 0) }



    let blurPassTarget = new RenderTarget(gl);

     blurPasses.push({ blurPass, blurPassTarget });



// bloomFactors: { value: [ 1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 ] }
// bloomTintColors: { value: [ new Vec3(1), new Vec3(1), new Vec3(1),new  Vec3(1), new Vec3(1) ]}
float lerpBloomFactor(const in float factor) {
   float mirrorFactor = 1.2 - factor;
   return mix(factor, mirrorFactor, bloomRadius);
void main() {
   vec4 bloom = vec4(0.);
   bloom += lerpBloomFactor(bloomFactors[0]) * vec4(bloomTintColors[0], 1.0) * texture(blurTexture1, vUv);
   bloom += lerpBloomFactor(bloomFactors[1]) * vec4(bloomTintColors[1], 1.0) * texture(blurTexture2, vUv);
   bloom += lerpBloomFactor(bloomFactors[2]) * vec4(bloomTintColors[2], 1.0) * texture(blurTexture3, vUv);
   bloom += lerpBloomFactor(bloomFactors[3]) * vec4(bloomTintColors[3], 1.0) * texture(blurTexture4, vUv);
   bloom += lerpBloomFactor(bloomFactors[4]) * vec4(bloomTintColors[4], 1.0) * texture(blurTexture5, vUv);
   bloom *= bloomStrength;
   vec4 orignColor = texture(tMap, vUv);
   FragColor = orignColor + bloom;




// mixRatio: 0=>1
void main() {
    vec4 texel1 = texture( tMap, vUv );
    vec4 texel2 = texture( tPreMap, vUv );
    if (useTexture==1) {//是否有过渡用的纹理图片
        vec4 transitionTexel = texture( tMixTexture, vUv );
        float r = mixRatio * (1.0 + threshold * 2.0) - threshold;
        float mixf= clamp((transitionTexel.r - r)*(1.0/threshold), 0.0, 1.0);// magic算法??
        FragColor = mix( texel1, texel2, mixf );
    } else {
        FragColor = mix( texel2, texel1, mixRatio );




const dtSize = 64;
let dataArr = new Float32Array( dtSize * dtSize * 3 );
let dataLength = dtSize * dtSize;
for ( let i = 0; i < dataLength; i ++ ) {
    let val = randFloat( 0, 1 );
    dataArr[ i * 3 + 0 ] = val;
    dataArr[ i * 3 + 1 ] = val;
    dataArr[ i * 3 + 2 ] = val;
const dataTexture = new Texture(gl, {
    image: dataArr,
    generateMipmaps: false,
    type: gl.FLOAT,
    format: gl.RGB,
    internalFormat: gl.renderer.isWebgl2 ? gl.RGB16F : gl.RGB,
    flipY: false,
    width: dtSize,
let uniformsProp = {
     perturbationMap: { value: dataTexture },
     amount: { value: 0.08 },
     angle: { value: 0.02 },
     random: { value: 0.02 },
     seed_x: { value: 0.02 },//-1,1
     seed_y: { value: 0.02 },//-1,1
     distortion_x: { value: 0.5 },
     distortion_y: { value: 0.6 },
     col_s: { value: 0.02 }


float rand(vec2 co){
    return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);//magic

void main() {
    vec2 p = vUv;
    float xs = floor(gl_FragCoord.x / 0.5);
    float ys = floor(gl_FragCoord.y / 0.5);
    vec4 normal = texture (perturbationMap, p*random*random);
      // 1.block effect 块状随机扰乱
      // Y轴
    if(p.y<distortion_x+col_s && p.y>distortion_x-col_s*random) {
            p.y = 1. - (p.y + distortion_y);
        }else {
            p.y = distortion_y;
    // X轴
    if(p.x<distortion_y+col_s && p.x>distortion_y-col_s*random) {
        }else {
            p.x = 1. - (p.x + distortion_x);


    vec2 offset = amount * vec2( cos(angle), sin(angle));
    vec4 cr = texture(tMap, p + offset);
    vec4 cga = texture(tMap, p);
    vec4 cb = texture(tMap, p - offset);
    FragColor = vec4(cr.r, cga.g, cb.b, cga.a);
    vec4 snow = 200.*amount*vec4(rand(vec2(xs * random,ys * random*50.))*0.2);
    FragColor = FragColor+ snow;



vec4 mainImage(const in vec4 inputColor, const in vec2 uv) {
	const vec2 center = vec2(0.5);
	vec3 color = inputColor.rgb;
	#ifdef ESKIL
  // Enable Eskil's vignette technique
		vec2 coord = (uv - center) * vec2(offset);
		color = mix(color, vec3(1.0 - darkness), dot(coord, coord));
		float d = distance(uv, center);
		color *= smoothstep(0.8, offset * 0.799, d * (darkness + offset));//边缘
 		//smoothstep(edge0, edge1, x):
		//t = clamp((x - edge0) / (edge1 - edge0), 0.0, 1.0);
    //return t * t * (3.0 - 2.0 * t);
	return vec4(color, inputColor.a);

void main() {
  vec4 textureColor = texture( tMap, vUv );
  FragColor =  mainImage(textureColor, vUv);

Depth of Field(DOF)


vec4 calculateBokeh(const in vec4 inputColor, const in vec2 uv, const in float depth, sampler2D inputBuffer) {
	vec2 aspectCorrection = vec2(1.0, aspect);
	float focusNear = clamp(focus - dof, 0.0, 1.0);
	float focusFar = clamp(focus + dof, 0.0, 1.0);
	// Calculate a DoF mask.
	float low = step(depth, focusNear);
	float high = step(focusFar, depth);

	float factor = (depth - focusNear) * low + (depth - focusFar) * high;
	vec2 dofBlur = vec2(clamp(factor * aperture, -maxBlur, maxBlur));

	vec2 dofblur9 = dofBlur * 0.9;
	vec2 dofblur7 = dofBlur * 0.7;
	vec2 dofblur4 = dofBlur * 0.4;

	vec4 color = inputColor;
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.0,   0.4 ) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.15,  0.37) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.29,  0.29) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.37,  0.15) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.40,  0.0 ) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.37, -0.15) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.29, -0.29) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.15, -0.37) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.0,  -0.4 ) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.15,  0.37) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.29,  0.29) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.37,  0.15) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.4,   0.0 ) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.37, -0.15) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.29, -0.29) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.15, -0.37) * aspectCorrection) * dofBlur);

	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.15,  0.37) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur9);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.37,  0.15) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur9);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.37, -0.15) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur9);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.15, -0.37) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur9);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.15,  0.37) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur9);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.37,  0.15) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur9);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.37, -0.15) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur9);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.15, -0.37) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur9);

	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.29,  0.29) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur7);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.40,  0.0 ) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur7);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.29, -0.29) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur7);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.0,  -0.4 ) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur7);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.29,  0.29) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur7);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.4,   0.0 ) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur7);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.29, -0.29) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur7);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.0,   0.4 ) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur7);

	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.29,  0.29) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur4);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.4,   0.0 ) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur4);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.29, -0.29) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur4);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.0,  -0.4 ) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur4);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.29,  0.29) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur4);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.4,   0.0 ) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur4);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2(-0.29, -0.29) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur4);
	color += texture(inputBuffer, uv + (vec2( 0.0,   0.4 ) * aspectCorrection) * dofblur4);

	return color / 41.0;


  • ToneMapping

  • Vignette

  • LensFlare

  • ReProjection

  • Depth of Field(DOF)

  • Motion Blur